
Just a short while ago there have been more than 20,000 studies on depression in the Anglo-American area, but only 483 studies on how to achieve a stable well-being.

Just feel good!

In recent years, within psychology, a discipline has developed which calls itself positive psychology. The aim of Positive Psychology is to provide people with scientifically based methods and tools that help them to enjoy their lives to the fullest and develop a positive expectation.

In positive psychology, wellbeing has five measurable elements (PERMA model):

  • Positive feeling (aspects of it are happiness in life satisfaction)
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Meaning
  • Achievement of objectives

No buzz of these elements defines well-being, but each contributes to it.

In this seminar you will learn how to increase your personal well-being and make your daily routine more easy and energy-efficient. Of course the fun is not to be missed.