
Do you love culture? Do you like going to the theatre, a concert or an exhibition? Or are cabarets more your thing? And are you also convinced that learning never stops? Do you say yes to lifelong learning?
Are you wondering what these two topics have to do with each other?
Well, the CENTAUR project aims to bring together artists and trainers in adult education. We are convinced that artists in particular, through the training they have received and the path they have taken in life, have many methods that can be very interesting and helpful in the field of adult education for many course participants.
Furthermore, we believe that artists can also benefit from expanding their field of activity and becoming active in adult education.
Artists can make valuable contributions to society even when a situation like the pandemic makes it impossible to perform in front of an audience, to make their art public!
A win-win situation, an enrichment of adult education that we want to support through the use of engaging digital tools!
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